Sonntag, 23. März 2014

A.I. and Cyborgs - Science fiction or reality?

Artificial Intelligence fascinates people all around the globe.
Much of this fascination is due to movies and TV series, where machines start to think on their own and it usually ends badly for the humans.
This scenario is in my opinion just one of three which could come up with the current development of machines.
The first one being, as shown in several movies that the human race is extinguished by the machines, the second one being that machines serve humans as butlers, and the third one being that machines and humans merge to keep up to the ever increasing capabilities of machines. This would turn us into cyborgs.

At first, I did not really know what to pick as a topic in the field AI, but frankly I am really getting into the topic of humans merging with machines, which is not unrealistic, seeing what implants athletes use at the Paralympics for example.

Because when you look at it like this, the revolution of a cyborg is not to far fetched as expected.
A man with a camera in his eye - Reality
Star Wars - General Grievous; is a cyborg, but unfortunately fiction :D

Samstag, 15. März 2014

PSA: After-Death Avatars

Every year 15,000 "After-Death Avatars" drastically change their behavior due to wrong data input.

While the person left behind is dealing with grief, the ADA's behaviour can change to the worse and death of the user may occur in the process. 

Every day hundreds of people suffer from behavioral changes of ADAs. 

Help us stop this madness.

A day in the life of a suit (and a Fabio).

Today's story begins in the early morning hours of a beautiful spring day in a little town near Graz.
The suit, nowadays a rarely seen species, consisting of a simple navy blue jacket, a navy blue pair of trousers, a classic, but nevertheless elegant white shirt and an extravagant blue-red tie awakened from their hibernation. Before sunrise, the elements slowly placed themselves on several coat hangers to indicate that they would wish to be worn that day.

After being inspected properly by another rare species, called the Fabio, it hung on the coat-hangers for several hours before the Fabio came back to interact with it again. The suit, as mentioned before, an endangered species at this day, looked for interaction with fellow suits at a meeting place for us mere humans not easily to be found. As this particular suit was in hibernation for at least 4 months, it had to slowly reactivate its biological rhythm to acclimate to the conditions in early march. After several hours in an unknown place called the "UNI“, the Fabio returned to the suit. It precisely examined the suit for any minor flaws, until it decided to use it and put it on. Up to this day, this interaction was never to be filmed or documented in any ways. The Fabio put on the suit, expecting to struggle with the usually unpredictable temper of the suit, but against all odds the suit and the Fabio formed a symbiotic relationship. The Fabio, the suit, as well as the rarely seen species Birgit and Laura who had formed a similar symbiotic relationship with their outfits, desired to gather at the secret meeting place. In the evening they met in front of the, to us mere humans unknown place called, Casino Graz. Inside a great variety of well-dressed species were to be found. Fortunately, the camera team managed to take a photo of the Fabio in full symbiosis with the suit, in company of the Birgit and the Laura.

To our regrets, we could not get a picture of the rare species called the Sabrina, which seemed to be in a close relationship with the Fabio, as well as the Sandra, and the Marco.

After a delightful evening for both, the suit and the Fabio, they returned to a sacred place called the girlfriends home. Sadly, the sacred home was fiercely protected by the Fabio and thus we could not document what happened after the symbiosis of the Fabio and the suit was broken. Fortunately, by risking the lives of our camera team we caught a last photo of the suit being placed again on several coat hangers.

The suit had achieved it goal to get out of the wardrobe and to be awoken from hibernation.
We look forward to our next exciting trip of this special suit and we hope to see it again soon.