The aim of this
abstract is to demonstrate the flexibility of mathematical modelling by showing
it on the case of a pandemic zombie outbreak. The author admits that the
scenarios are in fact fairly unrealistic, as no such modelling ever has been
made, but wants to show nevertheless the most effective model. He demonstrates
this by using the commonly known slow, stupid zombie as reference point while
comparing five common models of zombie outbreaks, namely the Basic Model, Model with
Latent Infection, Model with
Quarantine, Model with
Treatment and Impulsive Eradication.
The results brought comparable results as all models showed that human-zombie
co-existence cannot prevail as infection rates and death by zombification overwhelm
humankind sooner or later, depending on the model. While model 1 and 2 state
that the eradication of humanity is just a matter of several days, and model 3
and 4 state that due to the exponential increase of infected people humankind
will be eradicated, simply with a bit of delay. The only model that proved
successful for this kind of pandemic is the last model mentioned, the Impulsive
Eradication, stating that as soon as the infection spreads, every person
affected has to be neutralized. Using given equation the conflict of a zombie
outbreak would be dealt with in only ten days, avoiding the extinction of humankind.
Even though the scenario of a sudden zombie outbreak is purely fictional, the
risk of a global disease is not. The only way to stop a pandemic is to act
quickly and decisively.

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