Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014

Petschatschka or as other people call it: Pecha Kucha.

One autumn evening Martin and I and the rest of the English SUK3 class sat together and listened to Frank's lecture. But that evening he expected us to chose a topic to work on, on our own!
Martin and I chose Similarities between Austria and the Czech Republic, simply because we thought it would be an awesome topic and that we could write loads of stuff due to the fact that there was a article just about this topic in the "Kleine Zeitung". In retrospect this wasn't the smartest of ideas. And not only did we start to late, but also did we mainly talk about the similarities in culture and not about the language. After Frank's honest, appreciated but also devastating critique we were forced to change the big part of our topic in more or less one day. We managed to do so, and the next feedback wasn't as bad as the previous one, but due to the fact that i had to work for 8 hours the following day, i was exhausted. As I came home from work, i wanted to power nap, but instead I had to review the changes Martin had made according to Frank's review. There was quite a lot of new stuff on my part so i had to internalize it as soon as possible. I managed to grasp a lot of the newly added stuff, but i wasn't completely secure. After then getting picked up by Martin and sweating like crazy in the car i kind of went calm while reaching the university. Apparently that was the calm before the storm. Just before my presentation, I nearly had a mental breakdown. I started to shake uncontrollably due to the lack of sleep and the stress caused by this presentation. I kept forgetting the words and i couldn't concentrate on the topics presented by the preceding groups. As it was then time to go out there and do my job I honestly do not know what helped me cope with this situation. I am pretty sure people heard my voice shaking, which was caused by my body, which was shaking entirely. After presenting my first part I was immensely relieved as Martin took over and i could prepare mentally for my next part. This one went smoother, and as Martin started with his fourth part slowly my coolness came back to me and i could feel my body stopping to shake.
I do not know what happened to me, I blame it on my sleep schedule and my exhausting work.
I think overall we did a thorough job, i had some minor screw-ups, but I think we kind of did well.
Nevertheless next time I am sure to pick a topic which is not entirely foreign to me to keep that from happening.

And maybe I'll start a little earlier to work on it.
We'll see.

That's it folks, hope you enjoyed and:


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