Sonntag, 25. Mai 2014





The aim of this abstract is to demonstrate the flexibility of mathematical modelling by showing it on the case of a pandemic zombie outbreak. The author admits that the scenarios are in fact fairly unrealistic, as no such modelling ever has been made, but wants to show nevertheless the most effective model. He demonstrates this by using the commonly known slow, stupid zombie as reference point while comparing five common models of zombie outbreaks, namely the Basic Model, Model with Latent Infection, Model with Quarantine, Model with Treatment and Impulsive Eradication. The results brought comparable results as all models showed that human-zombie co-existence cannot prevail as infection rates and death by zombification overwhelm humankind sooner or later, depending on the model. While model 1 and 2 state that the eradication of humanity is just a matter of several days, and model 3 and 4 state that due to the exponential increase of infected people humankind will be eradicated, simply with a bit of delay. The only model that proved successful for this kind of pandemic is the last model mentioned, the Impulsive Eradication, stating that as soon as the infection spreads, every person affected has to be neutralized. Using given equation the conflict of a zombie outbreak would be dealt with in only ten days, avoiding the extinction of humankind. Even though the scenario of a sudden zombie outbreak is purely fictional, the risk of a global disease is not. The only way to stop a pandemic is to act quickly and decisively. 

CAJ Abstract

Body hacking and enhancing human bodies is becoming an increasingly important topic. This CAJ is to show why and to what extend a human body can be modified at in the early twentieth century. As this still is an underdeveloped field of research, there are mostly non-academical papers and online videos, which explain how the process of enhancing the body is carried out. Fact is, that up until now and aside from prosthesis, not many forms of body-enhancing objects exist, which is bound to change in the near future. The combination of human tissue and machines, or currently circuit boards will allow the human body to develop much faster than by natural evolution.

Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014

How to kill Hitler in 6 simple steps:

Step 1: First, you have to acquire a weapon of your choice. The simplicity of this task depends on your location and gun possession laws.
- Choose a weapon, which you are comfortable with, range or close combat, as both should do the job.
- Our recommendation is to chose a high-power long range rifle such as the Remington 700 or the Barrett .50 cal to guarantee an optimal outcome.

Step 2: Proceed to find a time machine. Depending on your preferences you can choose either a classical DeLorean with a flux capacitor modification or a “Tardis”, which is usually in the form of a blue police call box.
Step 3: Choose the point in time and space where you would like to kill Adolf Hitler.
- Here it is of utmost importance that you do your research about Hitler’s location very carefully, as you do not want to be caught teleporting in and finding no one except soldiers of the Wehrmacht.                                
Step 4: Conceal you loaded weapon and travel back in time.   
Step 5: Find and kill Hitler.
The difficulty of this task depends on your research and your weapon choice.

Final Step: Return to your time and see what has changed, while claiming your reward for saving millions of people’s lives.
Congratulations! You just killed your first dictator and changed history! Please keep in mind that your actions may interrupt the time-space continuum and that, depending on your timing, you may have just killed the most beloved dictator in the world.                                  

Disclaimer: The author of this instructional guide is not liable for any ruptures in the time-space continuum.

Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014

V - 1 Instructional Text - Group Instructional Feedback

Our group agreed that the instruction is helpful, yet there were several things that would need improvement to turn this into a good instruction sheet. First of all, there should be a short explanation on what a camera lucida actually is and what it can be used for. At the top, a list of all the materials needed to build the camera would be useful, otherwise people who start reading the text before having a close look at the pictures might encounter problems. Moreover, the units of length are illegible, therefore it is hard to find out if the author meant centimeters, millimeters, or a completely different unit. Another thing our group would change is the structure of the two paragraphs as we would rather use bullet points to describe the building process. While we think that the pictures are very helpful and that the author obviously put a lot of effort into these instructions, we are convinced that the individual steps could be structured better.

Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014

Biohacking and Sixth Sense


As already mentioned in a previous post, cyborgs are not too far away as some may think. 
As more and more people use smartphones and other portable electric devices several people dared to a step further. "Biohackers" or biohacking activists search to improve themselves by implanting machines, computerchips or even magnets under their skin. Shawn Sarver, an almost celebrity in the biohacking scene was one of the first to get a magnet implanted in his fingertips so that he could feel electromagnetic fields. As one of the leading biohackers he explains that the goal of this group is to make the human being evolve faster than nature would. 
Personally, I find this to be a very interesting thought, as evolution takes ages to significantly change certain properties. Moreover, with the trend over the last couple of hundreds of years, more and more people survive, and the survival of the fittest is no longer true. Thus, humans will evolve even slower than they already did. Humans no longer have the same immune system people had 50, 100, or even 1000 years ago. 
The modern medicine and the careless use of antibiotics for any little disease or little complaint destroys the body's defenses to a point, where the body can no longer fight on its own against nature. 

But this is already too far away from my topic. 

Biohackers just do what years, centuries or millennia of evolution could have done. They add new senses to their bodies by implanting, as said before, computer chips or magnets under their skin. 

Implanting a magnet under the skin in one or more fingertips is under biohackers already more or less common. The feeling of having another sense appeals to many activists. 
And to be honest: wouldn't it be awesome to feel the electromagnetic shape of an object? 
It is even hard to imagine, and after seeing footage of how the magnets or circuit boards are implanted I am pretty sure I will not do it. 
However, having a sixth sense must be really awesome.

More informations coming up in the following days. 

As always, 
Thanks for reading!
