Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014

CAJ Abstract analysis

Well it seems that somehow my post about articles about my CAJ disappeared. I honestly don't know it it was deleted or if it didn't upload correctly.

To sum up, here is what I found.

An article from Kevin Warwick, a well known transhumanist and co-founder of this whole hype.

Honestly, I couldn't have wished for something better than this, as there is everything in there which has to be in an abstract.
He includes the Objective, the setting/range, the findings and a conclusion. He explains the methods as well, just in a larger scale, as it contains to much information to be compressed.

Another paper related to my topic was this one, which i only could read the abstract as the entire book would cost around €35 .
"The era of the Cyborg is now upon us. This has enormous implications on ethical values for both humans and cyborgs. In this paper the state of play is discussed. Routes to cyborgisation are introduced and different types of Cyborg are considered. The author's own self-experimentation projects are described as central to the theme taken. The presentation involves ethical aspects of cyborgisation both as it stands now and those which need to be investigated in the near future as the effects of increased technological power have a more dramatic influence. An important feature is the potential for cyborgs to act against, rather than for, the interests of humanity."

This one lacks a little bit in conclusion and/or recommendations, but explains well why this topic is important, the objective and the methods used. 


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