Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014

Shocking Implant Video

As I already have written about the insertion of magnets into one's finger to enhance one's senses, I recently stumbled over a video while browsing the web for information for my CAJ.

Generally people who did this post in forums that it is not a smart idea to do this operation alone at home, simply because of the reason that so much could go wrong. You could cut to deep, mess up the cut, get the wrong magnet coating and you will probably die from a heavy metal intoxication, you could mess up the stitches, you could get infected by bacteria getting into the wound. The dangers are endless. and while watching this video I realized why I could never work as a surgeon.
I had to pause watching this video as I could not see how this guy hollowed out the tip of his finger using nothing but nail scissors. And while I paused this video I am writing this post. To be honest, I am currently still baffled that people would actually do that.
Of course, this is only a small operation and apparently you could do it at home, but for bigger surgeries you should definitely go to a piercer who knows how to properly anesthetize the body part in which you would like to get the implant.

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