Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013

EU individual paragraph

EU individual paragraph

When? 1951 "Treaty of Paris"
Who? 6 states: West Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg,
Why? problems after the war, struggle for resources, had to find a way to secure peace in Europe
 to unify Europe, and to avoid wars caused by the competition for resources

First draft

EU individual paragraph

The beginnings of the EU

The European Union was originally founded by 6 countries and at the time was called The European Coal and Steel Community. It was established by "The Treaty of Paris", which was signed by West Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands on April 18th 1951 and acted as a pioneer for the European supranationalism.
The goal was to unify the war-torn Europe, after the Second World War had demolished the countries and their economy. By creating a common market for coal and steel, including Germany, one of the leading producers of steel, they hoped to bring unity to the countries’ competing for resources. To write down all the facts about the ECSC I would need more than 180 words, but to sum up, the ECSC wanted to secure the rejuvenation of the European economy, secure peace between the member states, improve the world’s economy by adding a giant construct like the EU to it, and as mentioned before bring forward the concept of a united Europe, which would stand against difficulties as a union.

Comments from last week:

Not starting a new paragraph after supranationalism
new way to start the paragraph
i would need - would be needed - less personal 
they - founding nations


First correction

EU individual paragraph

The beginnings of the EU

The organisation which led to the creation of the European Union was originally founded by 6 countries and at the time was called The European Coal and Steel Community. It was established by "The Treaty of Paris", which was signed by West Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands on April 18th 1951 and acted as a pioneer for the European supranationalism. The goal was to unify the war-torn Europe, after the Second World War had demolished the countries landscape and economy. By creating a common market for coal and steel, including Germany, one of the leading steel producers, the founding nations hoped to bring unity to the countries’ competition for resources. To write down all the facts about the ECSC more than 180 words would be needed. To sum up, the ECSC wanted to secure the rejuvenation of the European economy, secure peace between the member states, improve the world’s economy by adding a giant construct like the EU to it, and as mentioned before bring forward the concept of a united Europe, which would stand against difficulties as a union.

Comments from this week:

Certain words have to be exchanged to make more sense,
Goal - intention - objective
competition - competing
united Europe - allied Europe to avoid repetition
some commas had to be added
to sum up - in short 
second -guarantee

final version
EU individual paragraph

The beginnings of the EU

The organisation which led to the creation of the European Union was originally founded by 6 countries and at the time was called The European Coal and Steel Community. It was established by "The Treaty of Paris", which was signed by West Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands on April 18th 1951 and acted as a pioneer for the European supranationalism. The objective was to unify the war-torn Europe, after the Second World War had demolished the countries landscape and economy. By creating a common market for coal and steel, including Germany, one of the leading steel producers, the founding nations hoped to bring unification to the countries competing for resources. To write down all the facts about the ECSC, far more than 180 words would be needed. In short, the ECSC wanted to secure the rejuvenation of the European economy, guarantee peace between the member states, improve the world’s economy by adding a giant construct like the EU to it, and as mentioned before bring forward the concept of a united Europe, which would stand against difficulties as a union.

File:Flag of the European Coal and Steel Community 12 Star Version.svg

Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013

The beginnings of the Eu

third draft
EU individual paragraph

The beginnings of the EU

The organisation which led to the creation of the European Union was originally founded by 6 countries and at the time was called The European Coal and Steel Community. It was established by "The Treaty of Paris", which was signed by West Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands on April 18th 1951 and acted as a pioneer for the European supranationalism. The intention was to unify the war-torn Europe, after the Second World War had demolished the countries landscape and economy. By creating a common market for coal and steel, including Germany, one of the leading steel producers, the founding nations hoped to bring unification to the countries competing for resources. To write down all the facts about the ECSC, more than 180 words would be needed. To sum up, the ECSC wanted to secure the rejuvenation of the European economy, secure peace between the member states, improve the world’s economy by adding a giant construct like the EU to it, and as mentioned before bring forward the concept of a united Europe, which would stand against difficulties as a union.


First correction

EU individual paragraph

The beginnings of the EU

The organisation which led to the creation of the European Union was originally founded by 6 countries and at the time was called The European Coal and Steel Community. It was established by "The Treaty of Paris", which was signed by West Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands on April 18th 1951 and acted as a pioneer for the European supranationalism. The goal was to unify the war-torn Europe, after the Second World War had demolished the countries landscape and economy. By creating a common market for coal and steel, including Germany, one of the leading steel producers, the founding nations hoped to bring unity to the countries’ competition for resources. To write down all the facts about the ECSC more than 180 words would be needed. To sum up, the ECSC wanted to secure the rejuvenation of the European economy, secure peace between the member states, improve the world’s economy by adding a giant construct like the EU to it, and as mentioned before bring forward the concept of a united Europe, which would stand against difficulties as a union.

Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2013

The beginnings of the EU

EU individual paragraph

The beginnings of the EU

The European Union was originally founded by 6 countries and at the time was called The European Coal and Steel Community. It was established by "The Treaty of Paris", which was signed by West Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands on April 18th 1951 and acted as a pioneer for the European supranationalism.
The goal was to unify the war-torn Europe, after the Second World War had demolished the countries and their economy. By creating a common market for coal and steel, including Germany, one of the leading producers of steel, they hoped to bring unity to the countries’ competing for resources. To write down all the facts about the ECSC I would need more than 180 words, but to sum up, the ECSC wanted to secure the rejuvenation of the European economy, secure peace between the member states, improve the world’s economy by adding a giant construct like the EU to it, and as mentioned before bring forward the concept of a united Europe, which would stand against difficulties as a union.

File:Flag of the European Coal and Steel Community 12 Star Version.svg

Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013

Possible EU-Topics

Possible EU-Topics

As if we haven't already enough to do, we have to come up with 5, YES, FIVE Topics concerning our life and the the European Union. ;)
But knowing that we do not really have a choice I'm finally going to get it done!

-My first topic is parachuting and the possibilities where to use the parachuting permit in all of Europe.

Why did I choose this topic? Just because I don't just like it. I love it! Getting this adrenaline kick is hard to describe, and when I finally get my permit I have to know where I am allowed to jump, and what the regulations are.

-My second one is, if the EU is helpless in case of a World war, or if the EU can compete with other world powers like the US and Russia.

I chose this topic just because Russia and the US keep debating about who has the stronger army, and we can hear about conflicts around the globe almost on a daily basis, and so I wanted to know if the EU could defend the countries or if we would be helpless facing war.

- "Ode of Joy":
Why would the EU pick that special piece of Beethoven and not one of many others? Is it coincidence that the EU-Anthem is German, or has it something to do with Germany being one of the leaders of the EU?

- My fourth topic is why countries like the UK keep their currency and don't give in to                "group pressure"?
As mentioned, I want to find out why those countries don't change their currency to the Euro?

Last but not least:
- Does Austria have an influence on the EU?
That the EU has an influence on us is not debatable, but how about the other way around?
Can we really do something against regulations if we are not okay with decisions made by the EU? Do we have a saying in discussions between the bigger countries?

Those are my 5 topics. I do not really know if all of those are legitimate topics, but i will try to debate everyone who says that those are not important to me! :)

That's it folks.
Have a nice day/evening/weekend...
Thanks in advance for the feedback and Ciao!